Chanel Hwang

Synthetic Abundance



Acrylic on canvas


22 x 18 in

Synthetic Abundance addresses the ways in which technological advancements have impacted food. Chanel envisions a dystopian world where humans have shifted from hunting and gathering to consuming genetically engineered, mass-produced food that is readily available in markets. This technological progress has increased convenience, leading to an overabundance of food, much of which is wasted daily. While some characters in her project may prefer non-GMO, natural foods, the reality is that most of our food is human-grown and often mislabeled as organic.

This piece also highlights stark inequality in global food distribution, depicted through characters climbing upwards and fighting for access to food. Wealthier nations often take ingredients for granted while less affluent regions suffer from scarcity, reflecting a disconnection from the true value of natural resources.

Despite modern advancements, there remains an instinctual nostalgia for hunting and gathering—a deep connection to the land and its offerings. Through her work, Chanel highlights the significance of natural ingredients and the human longing for that connection. By presenting beautiful food items in sleek, glass-like structures and depicting people gathering them under a symbolic tree, she evokes awareness of contemporary issues. Her goal is to rekindle a sense of joy and memory of past practices while advocating for a more balanced relationship with nature.

About the Artist

Chanel Hwang

Chanel Hwang is an artist who uses her work to explore pressing issues in society, particularly focusing on inequality and sustainability within the food supply chain. Through her drawings, she meticulously details the journey of food from farm to table, visually exposing the problems that arise along the way. Chanel aims to raise social awareness and inspire change through interactive projects that allow audiences to engage and participate actively.

She is particularly interested in the impact of recent technological advancements on the food supply chain and the new challenges they create. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and genetic modification have streamlined food production and distribution, increased consumer convenience, and introduced unexpected side effects. Her exhibition aims to explore the ambivalence of technology, visually revealing the various problems caused by technological advancement while also reflecting on nostalgia for the past. Chanel's work goes beyond simply presenting problems; it emphasizes the importance of sustainable eating and urges society to find solutions together.

Chanel Hwang

Synthetic Abundance



Acrylic on canvas


22 x 18 in

Synthetic Abundance addresses the ways in which technological advancements have impacted food. Chanel envisions a dystopian world where humans have shifted from hunting and gathering to consuming genetically engineered, mass-produced food that is readily available in markets. This technological progress has increased convenience, leading to an overabundance of food, much of which is wasted daily. While some characters in her project may prefer non-GMO, natural foods, the reality is that most of our food is human-grown and often mislabeled as organic.

This piece also highlights stark inequality in global food distribution, depicted through characters climbing upwards and fighting for access to food. Wealthier nations often take ingredients for granted while less affluent regions suffer from scarcity, reflecting a disconnection from the true value of natural resources.

Despite modern advancements, there remains an instinctual nostalgia for hunting and gathering—a deep connection to the land and its offerings. Through her work, Chanel highlights the significance of natural ingredients and the human longing for that connection. By presenting beautiful food items in sleek, glass-like structures and depicting people gathering them under a symbolic tree, she evokes awareness of contemporary issues. Her goal is to rekindle a sense of joy and memory of past practices while advocating for a more balanced relationship with nature.

About the Artist

Chanel Hwang

Chanel Hwang is an artist who uses her work to explore pressing issues in society, particularly focusing on inequality and sustainability within the food supply chain. Through her drawings, she meticulously details the journey of food from farm to table, visually exposing the problems that arise along the way. Chanel aims to raise social awareness and inspire change through interactive projects that allow audiences to engage and participate actively.

She is particularly interested in the impact of recent technological advancements on the food supply chain and the new challenges they create. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and genetic modification have streamlined food production and distribution, increased consumer convenience, and introduced unexpected side effects. Her exhibition aims to explore the ambivalence of technology, visually revealing the various problems caused by technological advancement while also reflecting on nostalgia for the past. Chanel's work goes beyond simply presenting problems; it emphasizes the importance of sustainable eating and urges society to find solutions together.

Chanel Hwang

Synthetic Abundance



Acrylic on canvas


22 x 18 in

Synthetic Abundance addresses the ways in which technological advancements have impacted food. Chanel envisions a dystopian world where humans have shifted from hunting and gathering to consuming genetically engineered, mass-produced food that is readily available in markets. This technological progress has increased convenience, leading to an overabundance of food, much of which is wasted daily. While some characters in her project may prefer non-GMO, natural foods, the reality is that most of our food is human-grown and often mislabeled as organic.

This piece also highlights stark inequality in global food distribution, depicted through characters climbing upwards and fighting for access to food. Wealthier nations often take ingredients for granted while less affluent regions suffer from scarcity, reflecting a disconnection from the true value of natural resources.

Despite modern advancements, there remains an instinctual nostalgia for hunting and gathering—a deep connection to the land and its offerings. Through her work, Chanel highlights the significance of natural ingredients and the human longing for that connection. By presenting beautiful food items in sleek, glass-like structures and depicting people gathering them under a symbolic tree, she evokes awareness of contemporary issues. Her goal is to rekindle a sense of joy and memory of past practices while advocating for a more balanced relationship with nature.

About the Artist

Chanel Hwang

Chanel Hwang is an artist who uses her work to explore pressing issues in society, particularly focusing on inequality and sustainability within the food supply chain. Through her drawings, she meticulously details the journey of food from farm to table, visually exposing the problems that arise along the way. Chanel aims to raise social awareness and inspire change through interactive projects that allow audiences to engage and participate actively.

She is particularly interested in the impact of recent technological advancements on the food supply chain and the new challenges they create. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and genetic modification have streamlined food production and distribution, increased consumer convenience, and introduced unexpected side effects. Her exhibition aims to explore the ambivalence of technology, visually revealing the various problems caused by technological advancement while also reflecting on nostalgia for the past. Chanel's work goes beyond simply presenting problems; it emphasizes the importance of sustainable eating and urges society to find solutions together.